miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

When I was a child

That's me when I was a child. I don't know how old I was, maybe 5, but I know that it was taken in the kindergarten and I was ready to dance our typical chilean dance with the boy who I liked.
If you pay attention the picture has some pen lines and I  remember why. One day I was at home and I found this picture, I got angry with my parents because I thought that I looked ugly in that picture. My parents bothered me saying that I was the most beautiful girl, so I took a pen and I made circles on it. That was when I was something like 6 years old and now that I'm older I regret because it was a beautiful photo from my childhood.
I don't know if my father or my mother took the picture but I know that when I was a child I was very poser jajajaj!
I like this photo because it shows that a long time ago I was a loving little girl!

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

My opinion is...

What's your opinion about killing stray dogs? 
 I think that people who think that that's the solution for the stray dogs problems is maken a mistake. To get a solution we have to resolve the problem  from the beginning and not from the consequences. I also think that animals have  the same rights that people have so if they think that animals can be killed because there are too many and that generates problem for the society, the marginals also can be killed because they generates society problems as animals does and that kind of thinking is not apropiate.

What's your opinion about recycling ? 
I think that that's one of the solution to the excessive trash that it had been accumulating in the world. We can be more friendly with the planet is we recycle the majority of the things that we live in landfills. I also think that we have to consume less and in that way we will generate less trash.

What's your opinion about chiliean politicians?
I think that they are in that position just because they want to get rich and for that reason they don't care about society problems. They don't want to help people, they want to be powefull so they don't work well.

What's your opinion about women in the military?
I think that military should not exist because they work only for the powerfull people who manage the countries and they don't work in favor of people. But even that I think that woman have the same rights that mans so if they want to be in the military they can.

What's your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
I think that it should be legalize because in nowdays is a common drug and just because is not legalized it generates smuggling and subsequent problems. I think that now is not legalized just because that would generates competition for tobacco and alcohol business

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

I just want to be a vet

Since I was a child I wanted to be a vet because I have always liked animals. They are as nobel as nowbody can be and also they have no voice to protect themselves so somebody has to protect them from us. What inspired me to become a vet when I was a child, was the complete love that I had  for my dogs, I thought that they were beatiful, funny and afectionate so I wanted to give them what they needed and heal them at anytime.
After, when I grew up, I realised that what was a simple child dream had become into the purpose or the project of my life, I realised that what had feel was a pasion.
What I think that this carreer has and others don´t, is that I take care about lives that have no opportunity to take care by themselves, because animals are vulnerable to the illness that we created to them on purpose or not. So I think that this carrer is as noble as animals are.
Now that I'm studying veterinary I feel more excited for been a vet, I feel that I'm learning the knowledge that someday will save an animal and will keep the life alive in our world.
I'm not decided of what I'm going to do exactly in the future because I really like horses and I would like to work with them, but I also like the wildlife conservation. I think that the time will give me the answer of what will be the destiny of my work and what kind of animal I will save tomorrow.