miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Horses and rabbits

Horses are susceptible to many diseases so it's very necesary to know wich one's are the most common, and what they generates in the animals.

1) Distemper (Strangles): it's a bacterial disease caused by Streptococcus equi wich can be transfer by direct contact or inhalation. The bacteria generates pus by an abscesses on the lymph nodes wich is released by the nose. The bacteria can live a lot of time is many objects wich had contact with the infected animal, so it's very important to change the clothes when you was with a sick horse and you have to be with another one.
Strangles can affected horses from any age but usually the most susceptible are the younger horses. The abscesses also caused struggle with breathing until the abscesses drain complete. At last the horse will not have permanent damage.

2) Anemia (swamp fever): It's a disease caused by as a retrovirus (equine infectious anemia virus) wich it's trasfer by bloodsucking insects and also by body fluids. The symptoms are fever (caused by the brack down of red blood cells), irregular heartbeat, swelling and weakness and maybe a suddenly death.

3) Tetanus: It caused by a bacteria called clostridium tetanni wich enters to the body by wounds usually wich ones are in foot. the bactteria attacks the nerves wich caused spasm and muscular steffness. At finally usually the infection caused the death of the animals by a respiratory failure.

4) Encephalomyelitis: it's a disease caused by a virus called Easter equine encephalomyelitis virus. The virus enter to the horse organism by a vector. The first symptoms is fever that usually last one ore two days, also appears nerve symtoms that includes sound sensitiviti, periods of excitement and restlesness and also the complete pralization of the nerves wich generates death.

5) Influenza: It's caused by a virus called equine-1 and equine-2. It has a high rate of transmission among horses and a short period of incubation. The symptoms are fever, have dry, runny nose, BEcome depressed and don't want to eat or drink. Usally the disease disappear after two or three weeks.

Equine External Anatomy

Equine Digestive System

One of my favorite farm animals is the rabbit! I have one at home called Floppy, and i can say that they are very funny and good pets for everybody!
Searching, I found a good web site wich has a lot of information for people who want to have rabbit and the ones that already has one. Here we can learn how to make our pets happy :)
Here's the link         http://www.myhouserabbit.com/

External anatomy of rabbit

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