miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Things that I like.

I love this picture very much, I saw it a long time ago and everytime that I visit National Geographic's web site I like to look for it to laught and get impress about how beatiful animals can be.
I think that the seals elephant of this picture are very good friends because they are close to each other making pull faces to the camera. I also think that the person who took the picture was very lucky because it's very difficult to be close to wild animals like these and make them fell comfortable.

This is the other picture that I like. I think that it's beautifull because it shows that wild and ferocious animals also can be tender and express love to their cubs. I think that even many people may think that this situation it's unusual, I think that animals can have fellings as people has so it's no difficult to see animals showing affection to the members of his family or even to another animals.

The videos that I like


I saw this video and I almost cry because it's shows the sad reality of the wild animals, how they have been becoming extinct for our fault, because we only think about money and material things that will take our society to nowhere. I can't understand how we can be so selfish and we can live friendly with the things that gives us life, like ecosystem.
The best part of the video is when the guy release the cape parrots hoping that they will increase the poblation, and make him fell that the hard work gives rewards. I think that is very inspiring.


This videos shows a few part of a complete documentary of this polar bear mom and her cubs. I remember that I saw the complete documentary when I was in Viña del Mar, on the last vacations. The Polar Bear mom had work very hard for her cubs and even in this video are the beautiful parts of the documentary, there are missing the dificult moments and the sad dead of one of her cubs. I choosed this video because it remind me the documentary that is very beautiful. It's nice to see how animals lives and overcome the difficult thing of the life.

Finaly I would like to give you a link of the nasa that shows amazing photos...

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