miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012
Horses and rabbits
Horses are susceptible to many diseases so it's very necesary to know wich one's are the most common, and what they generates in the animals.
1) Distemper (Strangles): it's a bacterial disease caused by Streptococcus equi wich can be transfer by direct contact or inhalation. The bacteria generates pus by an abscesses on the lymph nodes wich is released by the nose. The bacteria can live a lot of time is many objects wich had contact with the infected animal, so it's very important to change the clothes when you was with a sick horse and you have to be with another one.
Strangles can affected horses from any age but usually the most susceptible are the younger horses. The abscesses also caused struggle with breathing until the abscesses drain complete. At last the horse will not have permanent damage.
2) Anemia (swamp fever): It's a disease caused by as a retrovirus (equine infectious anemia virus) wich it's trasfer by bloodsucking insects and also by body fluids. The symptoms are fever (caused by the brack down of red blood cells), irregular heartbeat, swelling and weakness and maybe a suddenly death.
3) Tetanus: It caused by a bacteria called clostridium tetanni wich enters to the body by wounds usually wich ones are in foot. the bactteria attacks the nerves wich caused spasm and muscular steffness. At finally usually the infection caused the death of the animals by a respiratory failure.
4) Encephalomyelitis: it's a disease caused by a virus called Easter equine encephalomyelitis virus. The virus enter to the horse organism by a vector. The first symptoms is fever that usually last one ore two days, also appears nerve symtoms that includes sound sensitiviti, periods of excitement and restlesness and also the complete pralization of the nerves wich generates death.
5) Influenza: It's caused by a virus called equine-1 and equine-2. It has a high rate of transmission among horses and a short period of incubation. The symptoms are fever, have dry, runny nose, BEcome depressed and don't want to eat or drink. Usally the disease disappear after two or three weeks.
Equine External Anatomy
Equine Digestive System
One of my favorite farm animals is the rabbit! I have one at home called Floppy, and i can say that they are very funny and good pets for everybody!
Searching, I found a good web site wich has a lot of information for people who want to have rabbit and the ones that already has one. Here we can learn how to make our pets happy :)
Here's the link http://www.myhouserabbit.com/
External anatomy of rabbit
miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012
Hello! The country that I would like to visit Italy. I don't know very much why I like this country, maybe is for the food and also because people have told me that Italians are very closed to ech other and friendly but I don't know if that's true, because the person who gived me that description was from AFS and she interviewed me when I was proposing to go on a exchange.
I don't know very much about it, I just know that it has a lot of history on it's cities and also they are beautiful with their typical way to be build.

If I go there I would like to know Rome and the cities closed to the sea. Maybe the unfamous towns wich are far away from the popular cities. I would like to meet a big family and live their life as a member of it, with all of that includes.
If I visit Italy I would like to be all the summer vacations there, I would't like to work or moved there because if I'm thinking about that I would go to Australia or New Zealand.
I don't know very much about it, I just know that it has a lot of history on it's cities and also they are beautiful with their typical way to be build.

If I go there I would like to know Rome and the cities closed to the sea. Maybe the unfamous towns wich are far away from the popular cities. I would like to meet a big family and live their life as a member of it, with all of that includes.
If I visit Italy I would like to be all the summer vacations there, I would't like to work or moved there because if I'm thinking about that I would go to Australia or New Zealand.
miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012
Things that I like.
I love this picture very much, I saw it a long time ago and everytime that I visit National Geographic's web site I like to look for it to laught and get impress about how beatiful animals can be.
I think that the seals elephant of this picture are very good friends because they are close to each other making pull faces to the camera. I also think that the person who took the picture was very lucky because it's very difficult to be close to wild animals like these and make them fell comfortable.
This is the other picture that I like. I think that it's beautifull because it shows that wild and ferocious animals also can be tender and express love to their cubs. I think that even many people may think that this situation it's unusual, I think that animals can have fellings as people has so it's no difficult to see animals showing affection to the members of his family or even to another animals.
I saw this video and I almost cry because it's shows the sad reality of the wild animals, how they have been becoming extinct for our fault, because we only think about money and material things that will take our society to nowhere. I can't understand how we can be so selfish and we can live friendly with the things that gives us life, like ecosystem.
The best part of the video is when the guy release the cape parrots hoping that they will increase the poblation, and make him fell that the hard work gives rewards. I think that is very inspiring.
This videos shows a few part of a complete documentary of this polar bear mom and her cubs. I remember that I saw the complete documentary when I was in Viña del Mar, on the last vacations. The Polar Bear mom had work very hard for her cubs and even in this video are the beautiful parts of the documentary, there are missing the dificult moments and the sad dead of one of her cubs. I choosed this video because it remind me the documentary that is very beautiful. It's nice to see how animals lives and overcome the difficult thing of the life.
Finaly I would like to give you a link of the nasa that shows amazing photos...
I think that the seals elephant of this picture are very good friends because they are close to each other making pull faces to the camera. I also think that the person who took the picture was very lucky because it's very difficult to be close to wild animals like these and make them fell comfortable.
This is the other picture that I like. I think that it's beautifull because it shows that wild and ferocious animals also can be tender and express love to their cubs. I think that even many people may think that this situation it's unusual, I think that animals can have fellings as people has so it's no difficult to see animals showing affection to the members of his family or even to another animals.
The videos that I like
http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/specials/in-the-field-specials/boyes-cape-parrot/I saw this video and I almost cry because it's shows the sad reality of the wild animals, how they have been becoming extinct for our fault, because we only think about money and material things that will take our society to nowhere. I can't understand how we can be so selfish and we can live friendly with the things that gives us life, like ecosystem.
The best part of the video is when the guy release the cape parrots hoping that they will increase the poblation, and make him fell that the hard work gives rewards. I think that is very inspiring.
This videos shows a few part of a complete documentary of this polar bear mom and her cubs. I remember that I saw the complete documentary when I was in Viña del Mar, on the last vacations. The Polar Bear mom had work very hard for her cubs and even in this video are the beautiful parts of the documentary, there are missing the dificult moments and the sad dead of one of her cubs. I choosed this video because it remind me the documentary that is very beautiful. It's nice to see how animals lives and overcome the difficult thing of the life.
Finaly I would like to give you a link of the nasa that shows amazing photos...
miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012
When I was a child
That's me when I was a child. I don't know how old I was, maybe 5, but I know that it was taken in the kindergarten and I was ready to dance our typical chilean dance with the boy who I liked.
If you pay attention the picture has some pen lines and I remember why. One day I was at home and I found this picture, I got angry with my parents because I thought that I looked ugly in that picture. My parents bothered me saying that I was the most beautiful girl, so I took a pen and I made circles on it. That was when I was something like 6 years old and now that I'm older I regret because it was a beautiful photo from my childhood.
I don't know if my father or my mother took the picture but I know that when I was a child I was very poser jajajaj!
I like this photo because it shows that a long time ago I was a loving little girl!
miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012
My opinion is...
What's your opinion about killing stray dogs?
I think that people who think that that's the solution for the stray dogs problems is maken a mistake. To get a solution we have to resolve the problem from the beginning and not from the consequences. I also think that animals have the same rights that people have so if they think that animals can be killed because there are too many and that generates problem for the society, the marginals also can be killed because they generates society problems as animals does and that kind of thinking is not apropiate.
What's your opinion about recycling ?
I think that that's one of the solution to the excessive trash that it had been accumulating in the world. We can be more friendly with the planet is we recycle the majority of the things that we live in landfills. I also think that we have to consume less and in that way we will generate less trash.
What's your opinion about chiliean politicians?
I think that they are in that position just because they want to get rich and for that reason they don't care about society problems. They don't want to help people, they want to be powefull so they don't work well.
What's your opinion about women in the military?
I think that military should not exist because they work only for the powerfull people who manage the countries and they don't work in favor of people. But even that I think that woman have the same rights that mans so if they want to be in the military they can.
What's your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
I think that it should be legalize because in nowdays is a common drug and just because is not legalized it generates smuggling and subsequent problems. I think that now is not legalized just because that would generates competition for tobacco and alcohol business
miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012
I just want to be a vet
Since I was a child I wanted to be a vet because I have always liked animals. They are as nobel as nowbody can be and also they have no voice to protect themselves so somebody has to protect them from us. What inspired me to become a vet when I was a child, was the complete love that I had for my dogs, I thought that they were beatiful, funny and afectionate so I wanted to give them what they needed and heal them at anytime.
After, when I grew up, I realised that what was a simple child dream had become into the purpose or the project of my life, I realised that what had feel was a pasion.
What I think that this carreer has and others don´t, is that I take care about lives that have no opportunity to take care by themselves, because animals are vulnerable to the illness that we created to them on purpose or not. So I think that this carrer is as noble as animals are.
Now that I'm studying veterinary I feel more excited for been a vet, I feel that I'm learning the knowledge that someday will save an animal and will keep the life alive in our world.
I'm not decided of what I'm going to do exactly in the future because I really like horses and I would like to work with them, but I also like the wildlife conservation. I think that the time will give me the answer of what will be the destiny of my work and what kind of animal I will save tomorrow.
miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012
My favorite tecnological tool
Even I don't like tecnology very much I have a favorite tecnological tool that I really love it and these one is the photographic camera. I think that I can do a lot of things with it and express a lot of feelings and because of that, since I was a child I have been taking picturies with this tool, making the beautiful moments a permanent memory and taking picturies of the landscapes that I have visited and animals that I have seen.
My parents gave me the first one when I was 12 years old, It was a Kodak M753, very simple and portable but with it I took a lot of beautiful photographs, the second one, which I have now, I bought with my own money when I was 16. It's more professional than the first one and takes clear images but as my family used it too and a have take it to a lot of places, now is a little faulty but I still use it. Actually I don't have a lot of time like when I was at school, so I usually don't use it but I'm waiting hollidays to travel and take it with me. I don't know if my world would change a lot if I don't have a camera but I know that my free time it would be much boring withouth one.
If you like photographs like me I recomended you to visit http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/photos/?source=NavAniPhoto
My parents gave me the first one when I was 12 years old, It was a Kodak M753, very simple and portable but with it I took a lot of beautiful photographs, the second one, which I have now, I bought with my own money when I was 16. It's more professional than the first one and takes clear images but as my family used it too and a have take it to a lot of places, now is a little faulty but I still use it. Actually I don't have a lot of time like when I was at school, so I usually don't use it but I'm waiting hollidays to travel and take it with me. I don't know if my world would change a lot if I don't have a camera but I know that my free time it would be much boring withouth one.
If you like photographs like me I recomended you to visit http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/photos/?source=NavAniPhoto
miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012
My favorite artist
Hello again. Today i'm going to talk about my favorite artist and even I like a lot of artists I think that I can say that my favorite one is Norah Jones. She is a singer from Brooklyn and is daughter of Ravi Shankar and Sue Jones, a famous concert producer,so is not stranger that in her blood is the music.
She started singing in church and taking piano lessons when she was a child. While she was at high school she performed on the University of North Texas, where she met Jesse Harris who was a very important collaborator and member of a her first band which maked her famous.
Nowtimes her style is basically a combination of jazz and blues , and I really like it because it's relax and makes me think about the little things. My favorite song is "What am I to you", is a very calm song with piano and it talks about the complications of love in a different way. A have to say that now I'm very excited becouse it comes to perform in Chile at dicember and I'm going to see her!!
Well, that's all from now so, bye everybody.
She started singing in church and taking piano lessons when she was a child. While she was at high school she performed on the University of North Texas, where she met Jesse Harris who was a very important collaborator and member of a her first band which maked her famous.
Nowtimes her style is basically a combination of jazz and blues , and I really like it because it's relax and makes me think about the little things. My favorite song is "What am I to you", is a very calm song with piano and it talks about the complications of love in a different way. A have to say that now I'm very excited becouse it comes to perform in Chile at dicember and I'm going to see her!!
Well, that's all from now so, bye everybody.
Continuous Assessment
what is your favorite dog breed's name? Border Collie
Vocabulary Activity: look for the meaning of these words + 5 more others words you don't know from the dog breed questionnaire.
sprinter: velocista
jogger: trotador
breed: raza
to hunt: cazador
laid-back approach: relajado
watchdog: perro guardian
grooming: acicalamiento
couch potato: flojo
roommate: compañero de habitación
among: entre
towards: hacia
approach: enfoque
> Act 02.- Go to Pets 101 > dog health >Vet vocabulary
What are the words for these definitions?
- A drug that causes an animal to lose consciousness and not feel pain during a surgical procedure: Anesthesia
- The body's response to an infection. It can result in pain, redness, swelling, heat, or loss of function: Inflammation
- A series of bones in the chest which form a cage and protect the organs inside: Ribs
- A developing baby in the uterus: Fetus
- The more muscular chambers of the heart which pump blood into either the lungs or back into the body: Ventricles:
- Organs in the chest which serve to add oxygen to and remove carbon dioxide from the blood: Lungs
- The longest bone of the forelimb; it extends from the shoulder to the elbow: Humerus
> Act 03.- Finally, select 3 TVshows hat you are interested in watchin.
Froozen Planet: I like this program because it's about earth's polar regions and it shows beatifull places and also exotic animals wich are only there.
Must love cats: I like this program because it shows stranger cats from USA and also extravagant owners who are almost crazy about cats.
Whale Wars: Viking Shores. I like this program because it shows the problematic situation with Japan and the whales, and it´s inspiring see how some persons fight for animals
Post number one
Hello, my name is Claudia and I was born in may, 1994, so now I’m 18 years old. I live in Talagante, a little town near Santiago. I studied in a school named “Colegio Sagrado Corazón” and the past year I graduated on it.
I have two brothers; one of them lives at home with me and studies music teaching, and the other lives in Valparaiso and works at his own company. I also live with my parents and they are very closed to me and my brothers, so when we are together at home we talk a lot, play music and eat delicious food.
Related to what I like to do, I sing and play guitar with my brother who plays the piano. I also ride at university one day a week and sometimes I go with my boyfriend to the cinema and we see terror films.
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